>>>>> "Justin" == Justin  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Justin> So I also simply outright ban these user agents:

Justin> (EmailSiphon)|(LinkWalker)|(WebCapture)|(w3mir)|
Justin> (WebZIP)|(Teleport Pro)|(PortalBSpider)|(Extractor)|
Justin> (Offline Explorer)|(WebCopier)|(NetAttache)|(iSiloWeb)|
Justin> (eCatch)|(ecila)|(WebStripper)|(Oxxbot)|(MuscatFerret)|
Justin> (AVSearch)|(MSIECrawler)|(SuperBot 2.4)

Here's my list, after running Stonehenge::Throttle for probably
longer than you have... :)

            or m{Offline Explorer/} # bad robot!
            or m{www\.gozilla\.com} # bad robot!
            or m{pavuk-}        # bad robot!
            or m{ExtractorPro}  # bad robot!
            or m{WebCopier}     # bad robot!
            or m{MSIECrawler}   # bad robot!
            or m{WebZIP}        # bad robot!
            or m{Teleport Pro}  # bad robot!
            or m{NetAttache/}   # bad robot!
            or m{gazz/}         # bad robot!
            or m{geckobot}      # bad robot!
            or m{nttdirectory}  # bad robot!
            or m{Mister PiX}    # bad robot!
            or m{ia_archiver}   # bad robot!
            or m{DIIbot/}       # bad robot!
            or m{WhizBang!}     # bad robot!
            or m{WebCopy/}      # bad robot!
            or m{WebStripper/}  # bad robot!
            or m{EmailSiphon}   # bad robot!
            or m{AlkalineBOT}   # bad robot! (in Perl!)

That last one is nasty.  A Perl bot that basically sucks full speed.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See PerlTraining.Stonehenge.com for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

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