> At 02:22 AM 12/22/00 +0100, Stas Bekman wrote:
> >Well, this is new. You choose what sessions at ApacheCon you want.
> >
> >I don't think it's a fair approach by ApacheCon committee, as by applying
> >this approach they are going to make the big player even bigger and kill
> >the emerging technologies, who will definitely not get enough quotes and
> >thus will not make it in :( I'm not on the committee, so I cannot really
> >influence, but I'll try anyway.
> >

you don't want a little say in things? i think its clear that they are not
going to just pick the speaker by the number of votes they get.  its just a
great way to allow the people who are going to be at apachecon to put their 2
cents in on what is going to be there.  if anything it gives the public more
say.  the group is obviously interested in picking new diverse topics, but they
also want feedback.


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