hi all...

I know Apache::Dispatch is starting to become quite feature, uh, rich, but
would be interested in what people who are using it (if any :) thought about

I've been noticing in my logs that people are starting to get nosy and, for
Foo/Bar/baz people are wondering what is in /Foo/Bar (for which Dispatch
returns DECLINED and Apache returns NOT_FOUND)...

maybe it would cut down on (some of) this poking around if we could do
/Foo/Bar/baz.asp or something :)

currently, if $uri =~ m![^\w/-]! then we decline the request... I was
thinking changing this to a translation of any non-word characters in the
method name to _ or something: /Foo/Bar/baz.asp => My::Bar->dispatch_baz_asp

or maybe stripping off everything after the . (or maybe both :)

Of course, it would be only for appearance, which is why I'm asking...
anyone interested?


BTW, the latest version, close to CPAN and without the above modifications
can be found at


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