I've looked around the web for perl-based calendar applications for
several hours.  There are a significant number out there -- I've
personally checked out a dozen, but they are generally pretty pathetic.  
Even most of the ones you can pay for are ugly and have very limited
functionality.  WebTrend and Calcium are decent, but cost $400 for our
situation and any modifications I make would be unsharable.  (This
presumes that their source code is even legible and in any shape to hack
on.)  Am I totally missing something?

More generally, does anybody have a page of mod_perl business
applications?  Even more generally, are there any mod_perl applications
out there?  Neither modperl.org and take23 had much I could find.
modperl.org had a page of 'products' that listed some modules, but nothing
that I would call an end-user application.  I think some of the free web
mail programs (?atmail) and forum packages use or can use mod_perl, but
how would anybody know that from looking at any of the modperl sites?

This is yet another area where the legions of PHP developers are whooping
up on us and that's rather depressing.  I personally think PHP sucks as a
language and I'd rather not have it running on my servers.  I certainly
don't want to be stuck hacking PHP to add features or fix bugs.  But perl
folks don't seem to be churning out as many nice SQL-enabled web
applications.  (And I'd really like to get off Windows for my calendar.) 

BTW - One notable exception that looks neat that I saw on the mysql
mailing list today is maccess:
But it's not aimed at end users.  Sigh.


Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to buy Microsoft products.

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