
That is because the Sandwich module only works against html extention
files, or shtml if you do the Files directive.

You need to modify the module to assume the Diretory Index of your choice.


At 03:19 PM 1/10/01 -0500, Clint Gilders wrote:
>       I have installed Apache::Sandwich on FreeBSD 3.4/Apache 1.3.12/mod_perl
>1.24 and have noticed in working with it that if I call a URL like:
> , it works fine and puts the
>header and footer on the file. But, if I call:
> , I get:
>Not Found
>The requested URL /test/ was not found on this server.
>My perl.conf file contains:
><Location /test>
>       SetHandler perl-script
>       PerlHandler Apache::Sandwich
>       PerlSetVar HEADER "/body.html"
>       PerlSetVar FOOTER "/bottom.html"
>Another curious thing is that the 404 error is not being logged in my
>error log.
>Is there a way to allow directory indexes with Apache::Sandwich?
>Clint Gilders
>Servermaster Onlinehobbyist Inc.

Will Wiley                  Sr. Web Technologist
Wind River Systems,          Platform Engineering
Tel   : +1(510)749-2476       Fax : +1(510)749-2010

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