Matt Sergeant wrote:
> If anyone has any spare tuits they want to donate to Take23, we have
> started the job postings stuff and have a spec for exactly what we want,
> but not really enough time to code it up. Experience with AxKit would be a
> huge bonus, otherwise you'll be right in at the deep end.


I've been looking at this - not alot, but a bit (as I am in the deep
end, and there is only so much XML I want at a time ;-)

A few minor issues:

Your NewsAdmin module appears to assume that all XML file under the doc
root are news XML files - how do you want to deal with this - I'll
change the last bit of the doc root (defined line 11) from news to jobs.

Also what sort of validation do you want on job posting - at the mo we
just upload a file, and edit the XML, I am happy posting jobs like this,
but what about t'others ?

I can write a kludgy form that accepts / validates input and creates
some XML as per discussions if thats what you want ?


> --
> <Matt/>
>     /||    ** Director and CTO **
>    //||    ** Ltd   **  ** XML Application Serving **
>   // ||    ** **  ** XSLT, XPathScript, XSP  **
>  // \\| // **     Personal Web Site:     **
>      \\//
>      //\\
>     //  \\

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