I am currently writing a PerlLogHandler that will (hopefully) write request
info to a rolling logfile in a pipe delimeted format for hourly loading via
Oracle SQL*Load into a database (I know about Apache::LogDBI, but my DBA
group will not let me do this).  I wish to use Apache::LogFile to utilize
the Apache logging mechanisms to allow all httpd children to write to a
common file w/o having to worry about flocking or other methods to allow
write access by many processes.  The environment is Apache 1.3.12/mod_perl
1.21.  Apache::LogFile seems to compile ok, but when I try to initialize the
log handle in a startup.pl script, I get this error:

Can't load
Config/Config.so' for module Apache::LogFile::Config:
onfig/Config.so: undefined symbol: perl_cmd_perl_TAKE2 at
/opt/merc/perl/5.005_03/lib/5.00503/i686-linux/DynaLoader.pm line 169.

I read about the args_how directive parsing stuff, and found this symbol in
mod_perl.h and a few other places but really don't know what I am doing.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for getting this module properly
installed?  Is there a special way that I need to build Apache/mod_perl?


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