----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tomas Edwardsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Les Mikesell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 3:01 AM
Subject: Re: Using rewrite...

> > > The problem is that I can't find a way to send the request
> > > to a relevant port if the request calls for a URL which ends
> > > with a slash ("/"). Any hints ?
> > 
> I have to problem with matching the slash. The problem is if you ask
> for http://www.domain.com/ the proxy daemon has no idea if the client
> is asking for a perl, php or static document. Therefore I need a method
> to extract the filename which is relevant from DirectoryIndex.

I see what you mean now.  That could be a problem if you are supporting
a lot of sites or ones that someone else configured.  I avoided the issue
by never referencing directory names internally except for the server
root (/), and I handle that by letting mod_rewrite on the front end
send a client redirect to /index.shtml  (I have mod_perl handle .shtml
files because most have virtual includes of perl scripts).  When the
redirected client comes back, the rewrite rule for shtml will match.

      Les Mikesell

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