> Hi there!
 > Does any body have an idea how to access MSsql server using DBI or 
 > other method.
 > I've to build an application and I don't want to go to IIS so is 
 > there any way to work with Apache+Modperl in gnu-Linux and querying 
 > a NT box running MSsql.

One option is to use DBD::Sybase with either the free sybase libraries
(on linux) or with FreeTDS (www.freetds.org).

I think that there are also odbc solutions.

Michael Peppler - Data Migrations Inc. - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.mbay.net/~mpeppler - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
International Sybase User Group - http://www.isug.com
Sybase on Linux mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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