ged - you are just plain wrong here.
the error message is very clear.  u just need to install
apache 1.3.0.  to hell with bugs and security problems.
newer software is just bloated and cpu hungry anyways.

well, now i'll get pack to my port of perl 4, mod_perl, and
apache 1.3.0 for the TRS-80.


"G.W. Haywood" wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Even google knew the answer to this one.
> See
> I thought if I put the error message AND the solution in the subject
> line, with a slightly sarcastic message, and then everybody flamed me
> (being careful to keep the subject line) so as to make the longest
> thread you ever did see, maybe somebody would find it one day before
> spamming the List.
> Flames please?  Try to make them original and witty, there'll be a
> prize for the best one before the end of January.  The organizer's
> decision is final...
> 73,
> Ged.
> PS: You need mod_perl 1.24_01 or later to build with Apache 1.3.14 :)


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