I have yet to solve the runaway problem, but I came up with a way of 
identifying the URLS that are causing the problems.

First, I added the following to a startup.pl script...

$SIG{'USR2'} = \&apache_runaway_handler;
sub apache_runaway_handler {
     print RUNFILE "\%ENV contains:\n";
     for (keys %ENV) {
         print RUNFILE "$_ => $ENV{$_}\n";

Then I used a process monitor (via cron) to check the sizes of the 
httpd processes and to issue a system("kill -USR2 $pid") whenever 
that size reached a certain threshold (in this case 55MB).

What's dumped are the environment variables which contain the URL 
information so that the problem can (in theory) be reproduced.

Robert Landrum

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