
ST>I was wondering if anyone has successfully setup a development
ST>environment to allow for multiple development copies of modules used
ST>within Mason components. Also, to have the appropriate changes to the
ST>modules shown within the development environment.

This can also be a general mod_perl question, because it's also not easily
solved for handlers and shared Perl modules (there are a couple hacks,
like translating the source code to munge package names, but they're
usually not pretty).

GED>Is there some reason you don't want to run several independent
GED>instances of Apache?

What if there are 20 mod_perl developers at your company? You either need
to do admin work to partition the developers by what modules they write,
or run 20 Apache instances, which may be very expensive.



Andrew Ho               http://www.tellme.com/       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Engineer                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Voice 650-930-9062
Tellme Networks, Inc.       1-800-555-TELL            Fax 650-930-9101

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