On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Paul J. Lucas wrote:

> On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > >   My XML::Tree is far faster, much smaller, and doesn't dump core:
> > >
> > >           http://homepage.mac.com/pauljlucas/software/xml_tree/
> >
> > But its not as simple to use as XML::Simple, which is perfect for these
> > sorts of things :-)
>       What could be simpler than:
>               $xml = XML::Tree->new( 'foo.xml' );
>               $ref = $xml->as_array();

Its what's in $ref thats complex (or more complex than XML::Simple), see
the man page for XML::Simple.


    /||    ** Director and CTO **
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