On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Tim Bunce wrote:
> Can anyone recommend extra gcc options to squeeze the last ounce of
> performance out of code (perl and apache in this case) on Intel?
> I don't mind tying the code down to one cpu type or loosing the ability
> to debug etc. We're already doing -O6 and are looking for more.

I use '-march=i686 -mcpu=i686' to improve performance with gcc. The
percentage improvement varies greatly between applications but is often
around 10%. If you're willing to use a commercial compiler instead of
gcc, I get a 20-40% improvement with Intel's proton C compiler (which I
think is only available commercially for Windows so far) over gcc and
have found other commercial compilers to produce similar gains.

> I'm using gcc 2.95.2, is that the latest/best?

It is.  Gcc 3.0 is supposed to be released by the end of this quarter.

James Walden

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