I ma trying to use this module to store persident data on file
on win32 environment.
I use the code:

use Apache;
use Apache::Session::File;
use CGI qw/:standard/;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

print header();
print start_html;
 my %global_data;
 eval {
     tie %global_data, 'Apache::Session::File', 1,
        {Directory => '/temp/sessiondata'};
 if ($@) {
    die "Global data is not accessible: $@";
print "hello";

print end_html;

I get error in apache logs :
Can't locate IPC/SysV.pm in @INC 

do I need the IPC/SysV.pm module?
I have searched the documentation but i don't see a simple clear example
to do this.

Can you help please?


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