At 11:04 05/02/2001 -0500, Benoit Caron wrote:
>I'm on the impression from my reading of the list that there was some 
>problems with perl 5.6 : am I wrong? If not, what kind of problem should I 

I've been quite happy with 5.6 in production for quite some time. I used
the source provided by activestate because it includes a number of patches
but now that 5.6.1rev2 is out it might be better. There are probably bugs,
but I bumped into none (except perhaps one weird behaviour of the new
warnings pragma that eventually went away and which I could never track
down, perhaps it was me).

Apache 1.3.14 and mod_perl 1.24_01 seem to be the usual near perfectly stable.

-- robin b.
"Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is not
the reason we are doing it." -- R. Feynman

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