At 11:56 AM 02/07/01 +0400, BeerBong wrote:
>And when cache size is exceeded all mod_perl processes are hanging.

I had this happen to me a few days back on a test server.  I thought I'd
made a mistake by doing a rm -rf /tmp/File::Cache while the server was
running (and while the File::Cache object was persistent).

>And another question (I'm use Linux Debian Potato)...
>Is there way to define params of the currently performing request

You could use a USR2 hander in your code, if that's what you are asking.

This is what my spinning httpd said the other day:

[DIE] USR2 at /data/_g/lii/perl_lib/lib/5.00503/File/Spec/ line 57
        File::Spec::Unix::catdir('File::Spec', '') called at
/data/_g/lii/perl_lib/lib/5.00503/File/Spec/ line 41
        File::Spec::Functions::__ANON__('') called at
/data/_g/lii/perl_lib/lib/site_perl/5.005/File/ line 862
        File::Cache::_GET_PARENT_DIRECTORY('/') called at
/data/_g/lii/perl_lib/lib/site_perl/5.005/File/ line 962

But I haven't seen it happen since then.

Bill Moseley

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