I believe I'm doing that. I don't have a startup.pl. Here's what's in
httpd.conf (in order):

  PerlModule Apache::Status
  PerlModule Apache::Resource
  PerlModule HTML::Embperl
  PerlModule B::Terse

  PerlSetEnv PERL_RLIMIT_CPU 120

  PerlModule Tivoli::Apache::AuthenLDAP
  PerlModule Tivoli::Apache::AuthzLDAP
  PerlModule Tivoli::Apache::AuthenCache
  PerlModule Tivoli::Apache::AuthzCache


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vivek Khera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 1:21 PM
> To: 'Modperl Mailing List (E-mail)'
> Subject: RE: [RESEND] Apache::Status and custom menu_items
> >>>>> "CG" == Christian Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> CG> Are you saying that you see an extra menu from
> Apache::DBI when using
> CG> Apache::Status? I'm not seeing any custom menus. For instance,
> Yes, I do.  You need to load Apache::Status before Apache::DBI,
> however, as per the Apache::DBI docs.

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