Matt Sergeant wrote:

> > That would make the Apache::TreeBrowser example in the eagle book wrong,
> > isn't it?
> Yes, that example seems incorrect to me.

Hmm... Strange... It actually *works* at and I
downloaded its source code from!

Doug, is there something you forgot? Errata? Or, again, something we are

I made a PerlFixUpHandler that simply shave $r->location from the front
of $r->path_info, if you install it in the same directory as
Apache::TreeBrowser (or other similarly written handler), it make them
work fine.

> PS: Please don't post large attachments to the list in future - send us a
> link to a place we can see the code you are using on the web.

Sorry! I took extra care to make the package as small as possible, but I
understand the rule, thanks!

Pierre Phaneuf

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