Try setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to wherever your xml lib is located. 
Another possiblity is that you're using the old (0.44) 
rather than the newer one...

I've never used Sablotron, but I've had similar problems with 
and oracle (  In almost every case, setting the 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the correct path fixes the error.

Robert Landrum

>Matt Sergeant wrote:
>> On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, tim fulcher wrote:
>> > Hi
>> >
>> > finally build PHP4 as
>> >
>> > ./configure --with-apxs=/export/tools/apache/bin/apxs
>> > --prefix=/export/tools --with-ldap --disable-xml \
>> > --with-sablot=/export/tools/Sablot-0.44
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> This is most likely your problem. Try with Sablot 0.50 which links to the
>> same expat as XML::Parser
>That would be my approach .... except I can't get XML::Sablotron to work
>against 0.5  :-/
>Sablotron itself builds OK and works (well a noddy test with sabcmd
>succeeds). Indeed XML::Sablotron make works but then I get an error with make
>humber-1033> make test
>PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib
>-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/sun4-solaris -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0
>Can't load 'blib/arch/auto/XML/Sablotron/' for module
>XML::Sablotron: /usr/bin/perl: fatal: relocation error: file
>blib/arch/auto/XML/Sablotron/ symbol SablotGetInstanceData:
>referenced symbol not found at
>/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/sun4-solaris/ line 200.
> at line 91
>Compilation failed in require at line 91.
>BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 91.
>make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
>I was sticking with 0.44 because at least it worked. In fact if you think
>Sablotron 0.44 was the problem with my earlier builds, howcome XML::Sabloton
>operated just fine under mod_perl ?
>Thanks for the suggestion though

"Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

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