I've noticed some strange behavior that I think is being 
caused somewhere in my handler sequence.  I have a series 
of handlers running under a virtual host on Apache 1.3.9, 
mod_perl 1.21 (maybe 1.22), RH 6.0.

What's happening is the pages are downloading and 
displaying as usual, until the last image is 
completed.   The, broken images, repeated page text, and 
multiple copies of the images fill the screen.

It's a little hard to describe, so here's a screen 
shot.  This is just an example, sometimes the same page is 
hosed in different ways after a reload.  The basic theme is 
always the same, though: repeats of the text and graphics, 
trailing down the page.


I'm seeing this under two different versions each of 
Netscape and IE on two different machines, so I think it's 
a server problem.   I'm not seeing it on any of the other 
virtual hosts on the same machine that are not using these 
handlers.  The logs show nothing helpful.

The handlers are only running on phtml files, not 
images.  The page source looks normal, and displays 
correctly when saved and viewed locally.  The images are 
the same way.

I know that's not a lot of detail - I'm sparing it just in 
case this is an easy one.  I checked around, and I can't 
seem to find anything on the subject.


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