On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, G.W. Haywood wrote:

> Hi there,
> On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, Scott Alexander wrote:
> > Why is it Netscape displays the pop up authenticate window when the
> > user enters the wrong password. But Internet Explorer displays my
> > 401.html page if I return an AUTH_REQUIRED; from my AuthAny.pm
> This really isn't the place to discuss the multitude of differences
> between and faults in browsers.  You will certainly find more as you
> travel this path.  All you can do is try to code in such a way as to
> offer your users as little frustration as possible.
> For some insights into browsers and their ways, see for example
> "Professional JavaScript" ISBN 1-861002-70-X.

Sorry to remain off topic, but I also have a book recommendation for these
sorts of things - O'Reilly's "Dynamic HTML" (might be Dynamic XHTML these
days :-).


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