I am having difficulty reading configuration commands from a .htaccess file.

I've modified Apache::RefererBlock so that it no longer shows a 
forbidden error, but rather redirects a default URL.  I need this to 
apply to specific directories, but do not want the hassle of having 
to modify the configuration for every directory.  My goal is to place 
the configuration information into the .htaccess files within said 
directories.  However, when I do this, I get the following error:

/www/test/.htaccess: RefBlockMimeTypes not allowed here

I'm not 100% sure how Apache::ModuleConfig works, but I'm guessing 
that it simply iterates through all the configuration parameters and 
checks to see if a sub by that name exists in the caller package.  If 
so, it calls that sub.

Perhaps this is not the correct module to use.  I've read through the 
Eagle book and have found obscure references to DIR_MERGE and 
DIR_CREATE, but I don't understand the purposes behind these entirly. 
I've also read about Apache::CmdParms, but I don't know how that 
differs from Apache::ModuleConfig.

If someone could point me to a doc explaining how to permit custom 
config params in .htaccess files, I would greatly appreciate it.


Robert Landrum

"Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

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