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Hi, two questions:

1. I was thinking of doing session tracking first by cookies (I have a system 
which works well), but some people don't like cookies/don't support 
cookies/have broken cookies. I was thinking of running a mod_perl handler on 
the output which does a little regexp game of adding a session variable to 
the end of the URLs and forms. Has anyone done something like this? Is this a 
stupid idea?

2. How do I deal with browsers which do not return a referer header? Some 
parts of my web app depend heavily on it (goto page, page requires URL, sends 
to login page which captures referer of page where the user wants to go, logs 
in user, sends user back to the page seamlessly).

Thanks for your help


- -- 

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Yann Ramin                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Atrus Trivalie Productions      www.redshift.com/~yramin
AIM                             oddatrus
Marina, CA                      http://profiles.yahoo.com/theatrus

IRM Developer                   Network Toaster Developer
SNTS Developer                  KLevel Developer
Electronics Hobbyist            person who loves toys

When smashing monuments, save the pedstals -- they always come in handy.
                -- Stanislaw J. Lem, "Unkempt Thoughts"

"Outlook not so good." That magic 8-ball knows everything! I'll 
ask about Exchange Server next
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