I wrote a script that search the mysql database. At first I ran it as
plain CGI it works well, but problem is when it runs with mod_perl -
it starts with seg fault, apache log:
[Sat Feb 24 10:44:51 2001] [notice] child pid 24856 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
It seems that seg fault caused by the connect method of DBI, because
when I comment this line the script runs OK. But the strange thing is
that: when I put this line (with DBI->connect) out of the program
flow, to some place where it won't be executed the script still seg
faults - maybe it is something wrong at compile time?

My config: Debian Potato, Mysql 3.22.32, Apache 1.3.14, mod_perl 1.25,
Perl 5.6, DBI 1.14, mysql DBD 1.2215

Thanks for any help.

Mirek Rewak

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