Hi Rob

I just went through this exact situation this morning. I ended up
(unnecessarily) recompiling apache/mod_perl in the hopes of fixing it. All
that really needed to be done was to add "use HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler;"
to mason's handler.pl. I'm assuming your v0.89 site was working properly.

Anyway, my apache and mod_perl are up to date now at least.


At 11:03 AM -0800 3/1/01, Rob Bloodgood wrote:
>I've been using HTML::Mason under mod_perl on my site for awhile, using
>0.89, and I like it lots. :-)  So when the new 1.0 came out, I went to go
>upgrade, and broke EVERYTHING.
>Not only that, but, I haven't been able to make sense out of what Mason
>wants for its dir heirarchy, anyway:
>First, comp_root (apparently) needs to be the same as DocumentRoot, which
>seems horribly insecure...  if I could find another way to do it, I would,
>but for now, knowing the path my components run under makes them viewable
>_AS SOURCE_ by anyone who knows the url.
>and in the same vein, the *ONLY* way I could get it to run was to put it's
>data_dir under DocumentRoot as well. ????????
>Why can't I have
>/home/httpd/components (instead of /home/httpd/html/components)
>/home/httpd/mason              (instead of /home/httpd/html/mason)
>? Or more correctly, how do I tell Mason to use that kind of strucure?
>And what (the docs don't say, the changelog isn't indicative) changed in the
>required setup procedure at 1.0?  My friend called me wanting to do
>HTML::Mason, which I told him was absolutely awesome for development, but he
>couldn't get it running at all (he only had access to the 1.0 from CPAN)
>(and we only had my working config to start with).
>This is the relevant section of my startup.pl:
>package HTML::Mason;
>use strict;
>use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
>use Date::Format;
>local $| = 1;
>my $parser = new HTML::Mason::Parser;
>my $interp = new HTML::Mason::Interp ( parser => $parser,
>                                       comp_root => '/home/httpd/html',
>                                       data_dir =>
>'/home/httpd/html/mason', );
>my $ah = new HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler ( interp => $interp,
>                                          output_mode => 'batch',
>#                                         output_mode => 'stream',
>                                          error_mode => 'html', # fatal
>                                          debug_mode => 'all',
>                                          debug_perl_binary =>
>                                          debug_handler_script =>
>                                          debug_handler_proc =>
>'HTML::Mason::handler', );
># {{{ setuid/taint shut UP!
>if (0) {
>    my @test = ( qw/1 2 3/ );
>    my @files_written = map {/(.*)/; $1} @test # $interp->files_written
>                        ;
>    warn "Trying to deal w/ tainting: >",
>      Data::Dumper->Dump([ \@files_written ], [ qw/files_written/ ] ) ,
>    chown( [getpwnam('nobody')]->[2],[getpwnam('nobody')]->[2],
>@files_written );
># }}}
>sub handler {
>    my ($r) = @_;
>    $ah->handle_request($r);
># {{{ globals
>    package HTML::Mason::Commands;
>    use vars qw($dbh %session);
>      # my ($dsn, $user, $pass) = (My::dbi_connect_string(),
>      # $dsn = 'dbi:Proxy:hostname=devel;port=3333;dsn=' . $dsn;
>      {
>          local $^W = 1;
>          #                                      ( dsn, username, password )
>#         $interp->set_global(dbh => DBI->connect(My::dbi_connect_string(),
>          #$dbh = DBI->connect(My::dbi_connect_string(),
>My::dbi_pwd_fetch()) or die DBI->errstr;
>          #$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
>      }
># }}} globals
>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
>use Disclaimer qw/:standard/;

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