Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble using Apache::Speedlimit

Slightly modified to use Cookie for the $id:
my $id = "$ip:$agent:$usertrack";

After running for about 5 minutes the handler dies with the following in 
the logfile:

[Tue Mar  6 17:32:07 2001] [error] [Tue Mar  6 17:32:07 2001] null: 
Munged shared memory segment (size exceeded?)

This site is fairly busy (5 page per sec not including images).
Looking at the code I don't see where old data is removed from the 
shared memory segment. My errors seem consistent with the shared memory 
segment filling up (it's only 65k).

Is anyone else using Apache::SpeedLimit? If so how?

Thanks in advance,

Daniel Bohling
NewsFactor Network

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