I've also been experiencing segmentation faults.  I reported it,
 yesterday, some, not fully detailed, (ie: no stack trace since no
 debugging symbols...) to the mod_perl mailing list.

 What I did was run "gdb", then used the "ps wauxf" output to get the
 PID of an Apache child process.  I used GDB's "attach PID" to debug
 that process, and then "cont" to let it run, since attaching stops

 I then hit the page over and over (whacked it with a netscape) until
 that process segv'd, and used "where" to find out where it had
 crashed.  It listed an address, but ?? rather than a subroutine name,
 since everything has been stripped.

 I started up "gtop", and got a memory map of that process, then
 looked to see what library the crash address resides in.  It was in
 "Cookie.so", which is part of Apache::Cookie.  I do not know what
 routine it's in; I've not built that with "-ggdb" yet to try and
 track it down.  Perhaps I'll take some time for that next week if I
 don't hear anything re a cure / patch before then.

 James?  Please follow the similar process, and see if you can
 determine what .so library the segv is occuring in.  Will you also
 please report to both lists?

mailto: (Karl M. Hegbloom) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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