I just built Apache 1.3.19 on a RedHat 6.2 machine with mod_so enabled.
There had previously been RedHat secureweb installed (apache-ssl 1.3.12),
but that had been removed before I started this process.

Immediately after being built, the Apache server started fine.  I then
built mod_info using apxs to check out the dynamic loading, which worked
fine.  I did nothing else before moving on to mod_perl.

I unpacked mod_perl-1.25 and built it as follows:
perl Makefile.PL USE_APXS=1 WITH_APXS=/(the-path-to-my-apxs)/apxs
make test (which doesn't do anything with apxs)
make install

Everything appeared to go smoothly; no warnings or errors.  However when I
try to start the server I get this response:
Cannot load /home/apache/libexec/libperl.so into server:
/home/apache/libexec/libperl.so: undefined symbol: ap_ctx_get
/home/apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas?  What did I miss?  This is my
first attempt at using dynamic modules so its entirely possible I missed
something basic.  Thanks for any help.


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