At 03:34 PM 03/14/01 +0200, Issac Goldstand wrote:
>> On Tue, 13 Mar 2001, Andrew Ho wrote:
>> > PH>Um, you're getting me confused now, but PerlSendHeader On means that
>> > PH>mod_perl WILL send headers.
>  I still think that the above line is confusing:  It is because mod_perl is
>not sending headers by itelf, but rather your script must provide the
>headers (to be returned by mod_perl).  However, when you just say "mod_perl
>will send headers" it is misleading; it seems to indeicate that mod_perl
>will send "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" all by itself, and that
>conversely, to disable that PerlSendHeaders should be Off.

Read it again.  You are confusing "some" headers with "all" headers --
there's more than just Content-Type:.

To me it doesn't sound at all like it will send content-type:

                    PerlSendHeader On

           Now the response line and common headers will be sent
           as they are by mod_cgi.
(response line and common headers != content type)  

                                    And, just as with mod_cgi,
           PerlSendHeader will not send a terminating newline,
           your script must send that itself, e.g.:

            print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

All documentation has room for improvement, of course.  It's confusing if
you haven't written a mod_perl content handler before (or haven't read the
perldoc Apache or the Eagle book) and don't know that you need
$r->send_http_header under a normal content handler.  And if you are like
me, you have to read the docs a few times before it all makes sense.

Also, note that Apache::Registry lets reasonably well written CGI scripts
to run under both mod_cgi and Apache::Registry, which is what that man page
is describing.  It's not a CGI script if there's not a content-type: header
sent.  And the docs are not implying that you can turn on PerlSendHeader
and then go through all your CGI scripts and remove the print
"Content-type: text/html\n\n" lines.

Bill Moseley

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