On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> > Ok, what about calling sync before accesing the database? (read and write)
> > Will it force the process to sync its data with the disk, or will it cause
> > the corruption of the file on the disk, as the process might have a stale
> > data?
> Well, that's what we don't know.  As David Harris pointed out, if it does do
> the right thing and re-read from disk, it's probably not much better than
> re-opening the database.  I suppose it would avoid some Perl object creation
> though, so it would be at least a little faster.

As the person who has discovered this bad flaw in DB_File docs and made
sure that the right thing will be done, may be David will have a time to
go further and check up on this issue. I would definitely do it myself,
but there so many things I've to do, I just cannot do it now :(

Or anybody else who wants to contribute to the community by a little
effort? Just grab the tgz which represents the problem, from the url
posted a few days ago by David and see if you can tackle this issue of the
correctness of using sync and the actual benchmarking to check whether
it's faster to do tie/untie or using sync and locking...

Thanks a bunch!

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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