> Version: Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) mod_perl/1.24
> What: PerlAuthenHandler returns headers without WWW-Authenticate field
> Work-around: set with $r->err_header_out

It looks like you haven't fully read the book/docs/manpages/samples for auth
*All* of the code for Basic auth (i.e. browser based user/password from the
popup dialog) handlers have the following snippet:

        return AUTH_REQUIRED;

as in:

  # get username & password
  (my $res, $sent_pw) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw;
  return $res if $res != OK;
  $user = $r->connection->user;

  # need both username & password
  unless ( $user && $sent_pw) {
    return AUTH_REQUIRED;

>From http_protocol.h:
 * note_basic_auth_failure arranges for the right stuff to be scribbled on
 * the HTTP return so that the client knows how to authenticate itself the
 * next time. As does note_digest_auth_failure for Digest auth.
 * note_auth_failure does the same thing, but will call the correct one
 * based on the authentication type in use.

The C API works the same way.  From src/modules/standard/mod_auth.c:

    return AUTH_REQUIRED;

AND, the actual function ap_note_basic_auth_failure, from Apache's
   API_EXPORT(void) ap_note_basic_auth_failure(request_rec *r)
        /* sanity checks here*/

                  r->proxyreq ? "Proxy-Authenticate" : "WWW-Authenticate",
                  ap_pstrcat(r->pool, "Basic realm=\"", ap_auth_name(r),

which in mod_perl would be:
        $r->err_header_out( $r->proxyreq ? "Proxy-Authenticate" :
                                  "Basic realm=" . $r->auth_name );

which looks alot like your workaround. :-)


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