On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Victor Michael Blancas wrote:

> I'm using Apache::Session::Postgres with Apache::ASP.
> I'm getting a Segmentation Fault whenever I do a $dbh->disconnect at the
> end of the script.  When I comment out the the $dbh->disconnect however, I
> don't get any errors.  Having a script without a $dbh->disconnect at the
> end is wrong isn't it.  Anyone encountered this before?
> I just tested it as a simple perl script on the command line. I'm still
> getting a core dumped Segmentation Fault whenever I do a disconnect at the
> end of the script.

I've seen segfaults with DBD::Pg if I do a disconnect() and then try and
execute something on that disconnected handle.

Try doing DBI->trace(2) in your command line script to see if something
odd is happening.


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