has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/K/KW/KWILLIAMS/Apache-Filter-1.018.tar.gz
  size: 24403 bytes
   md5: ac3bb8ab1bda2e247d35a1bb5ab33fe7

Changes since 1.017:

   Some fixes for the 'perl Makefile.PL' and 'make test' stages.  Fixes a
   problem for those who want to skip testing with a real httpd, and
   properly removes quotation marks from 'LoadModule' directives when
   building httpd.conf to use during 'make test'.

   No changes were made to the actual Apache::Filter code, just stuff in
   the test suite.

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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