John V. Jaskolski wrote:

> I want to write a Web Hosting Control Panel for virtually hosting web sites
> (100 to 1000 per server).  I am debating whether to write it in Perl,
> mod_perl or C.  I want to write it in mod_perl because it would be faster
> than Perl and easier to write than C.  However, In his article on modperl
> and ISP's, Stas says:
>>> Note that it's impossible to run suEXEC and cgiwrap extensions under
> mod_perl.
>>> Of course as an ISP you can run mod_perl internally, without allowing your
>>> users to map their scripts so that they will run under mod_perl. If as a
> part of
>>> your service you provide scripts such as guest books, counters etc. which
> are
>>> not available for user modification, you can still can have these scripts
> running
>>> very fast.
> I have 2 questions:
> 1.) How do you "run mod-perl internally"?

Just as an example you can create a global mod_perl registry location 
containing scripts that all your clients can use, but not modify. While 
using a different registry enabled directory for your control-panel.
Note: the entire server still has mod_perl loaded regardless of whether 
or not the clients are using mod_perl scripts so you'd better have 
enough ram.

This may contain errors:

#Create a global registry directory in the main server:

Alias /preconfig-scripts/ /home/httpd/user_untouchable
#counters, guestbooks, etc
<Location /preconfig-scripts/>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::Registry
        Options +ExecCGI

#In the virtual hosts:
#your domain:
        DocumentRoot /home/httpd/ispname
        <Directory /control-panel/>
                SetHandler perl-script
                PerlHandler Apache::Registry
                Options +ExecCGI
#a client:
        DocumentRoot /home/httpd/someclient
        <Directory /home/httpd/someclient>
                Options Includes
                AllowOverride AuthConfig Indexes Limit


        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/httpd/someclient/cgi-bin/

> 2.) If is there a way to "run mod-perl internally" so that suEXEC and/or
> cgiwrap can be run for security purposes.
> The whole reason I hesitate to use mod_perl is because this will be a
> virtual hosting environment where lots of users could "do anything", and I
> want to take all of the security precautions I can.  But if it's at all
> possible to do it securely, then I would love to use mod_perl because it
> would be much easier than C.
> Any input anyone has would be greatly appreciated!
> Sincerely,
> Dr. John V. Jaskolski

Daniel Bohling

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