
I want to add mod_perl to my apache server. However, I already have my server up and 
running and when I do: perl Makefile.PL  I get a request for my apache source 
directory. I don't know where it is located so I just put: /usr/local/etc/apache.
Now the procedure continues but I get an error message that the 
directory /modules/perl/mod_perl.c cannot be found in the Makefile.PL line 2226.

how do I go about solving these problems? I tried moving mod_perl manually , but then 
I just get another error message. 

Do I have to write anything in the httpd.conf file? So far it has added the mod_perl.c 
in LoadModule and AddModule automatically.
WHen I run the server I get an error message that it does not recognize the command 
PerlHandler. Why not?

Lots of questions! I'd be grateful for at least one answer. Thanks,


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