On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Andrew Ho wrote:

> Hello,
> FH>Does anyone know of a perl command/or a simple way that would extract
> FH>all .pm and .pl that a perl script needs in order to run?
> SL>I think the question being asked is , how to resolve ALL dependencies ,
> SL>not just the first level given in the app. For example , I may use some
> SL>libs that in turn use others , and so on in multiple levels of nesting.

As others have mentioned already, it's virtually impossible to know about
all modules that are being used, since some of those are written on the
flight (and not required/used at all).

It'd help if you tell us why do you want to do that. If I understand you
correctly, you want to make sure that the production machine is in sync
with the development machine. Use CPAN.pm's bundle() function to make a
snapshot of all modules that you have on your dev machine and then use the
bundle to replicate it on any other machine of your choice.  See the CPAN
man page for more information.

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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