On 23 Apr 2001, Michael Alan Dorman wrote:

> Well I will say that you made an excellent point that hadn't really
> occured to me---I use XML + XSL for a lot of stuff (the DTD I use for
> my resume is a deeply reworked version of one I believe you had posted
> at one time), but not web sites, in part because I'm not currently
> obligated to worry about "other devices"---so I don't exactly regret
> getting you to clarify things.

You may find the following makefile quite useful (I'm thinking of dubbing
this AxKit 2.0 :-)

# using gnome libxslt

# dependencies for *.html
%.html : %.xml %_html.xsl
        $(XSLT) $*_html.xsl $< > $@

# dependencies for *.wml
%.wml : %.xml %_wml.xsl
        $(XSLT) $*_wml.xsl $< > $@

# list of files
all: foo.html bar.html foo.wml bar.wml

> Could I suggest that a better tagline would be that AxKit is superior
> when creating easily (re-)targetable sites with mostly static content?
> It might stave off more ignorant comments.

I'll think about adding it to my .sig :-)


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