G.W. Haywood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There have been a few problems reported with 5.6 and I have seen one
> or two myself.
> Although the problems which I saw were largely the result of slightly
> dubious coding practices and were easily fixed, some people had more
> serious problems and it's why I moved to 5.7 for development.

Dunno if it counts as a dubious coding practice, but I've come across 
precisely one problem porting the (large) Perl/mod_perl system I maintain 
at Motorola from 5.005_03 to 5.6.1:

        sub foo(&@);
        foo {} qw(BAR BAZ);

no longer works (from 5.6.0, actually), presumably because qw() actually 
generates a list at compile time, rather than translating to split, and 
the equivalent construct "foo {} ('BAR', 'BAZ');" doesn't compile in 
5.005_03 either.

I was slightly doubtful about 5.6.0 as a major release, but I would regard 
5.6.1 as safe for production use as long as you treat some of the new 
bleeding edge features with sensible caution.


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