
is this not something like what Apache::AuthCookie 
or some other Auth scheme does?
 or am i just missing the boat?

you could use something 
like AuthCookie in a dummy situation
get $r->uri
grab the .htaccess from that location and parse?

Time Co-Ordinate Thu, 10 May 2001 23:16:29 -0600, The Organism labeled Mark
Holt said:

> >
>  >
>  > Not really, the current Apache doesn't let you decide on the fly whether
>  > to challenge the client with basic auth or not unless you use .htaccess.
>  If I wrote my own PerlAuthHandler, could it then choose whether to pass through
>  to the standard AuthHandler?
>  > .htaccess is not used only for auth!!! it's used for adding per-directory
>  > extra configuration (usually to override the defaults).
>  Yes I was envisioning something along these lines in the config file:
>  <Perl>
>  #code to determine paid status
>  if ($paid) { $AllowOverride = "AuthConfig" }
>  </Perl>
>  Or something like that.  Not being a mod_perl guru I don't know the syntax, but
>  I wondered if a construct like this would work on a per-hit basis, or if not, if
>  someone knew a better one.
>  > So your second question has nothing to do with the first one :)
>  You're right. one dealing with feasibility of checking for .htaccess files based
>  on perl code, and one with scalability--not checking for .htaccess files when
>  not necessary.
>  >
>  > You can specify the Auth data in your httpd.conf and avoid creating
>  > .htaccess, saving processing time, but making it harder to maintain
>  > (requires server restart for each modification, whereas .htaccess allows
>  > to do 'hot' modifications without restarting the server.
>  That is not feasible, because if we can't even afford to put a VirtualHost tag
>  in for every user, how much less could we afford auth data and server restarts?
>  But you may be on the right track.  Can we use perl code in the global config
>  file to control auth?  I just want a way to activate the standard auth handler
>  per-hit.  It has to be possible in mod_perl.  Someone out there has to be wizard
>  enough to know how.  Hopefully that person will be reading this soon.
>  Thanks,
>  Mark

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