This is an old issue. I recall having patched Apache:Session
so it evals when restoring objects from the Data Store.
When the database of sessions is cleaned the server
dies with "Object does not exist in the data store"

I just installed a server and I had to patch it myself again.
Am I the only one who has this problem ?
Is there something I'm missing ?

Anyway here is the code I changed to

    #If a session ID was passed in, this is an old hash.
    #If not, it is a fresh one.

    if (defined $session_id) {
        $self->{status} &= ($self->{status} ^ NEW);
        eval {
        if ($@ =~ /Object does not exists/) {
              $session_id = undef;
    if (!defined $session_id){
        $self->{status} |= NEW;
        $self->{data}->{_session_id} = generate_id();

 - frankie -

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