> A really simple trick would be rather than to use a cookie, if
> you are saving state to DB anyway.  Set a flag in the DB and test
> for its existence.
> sub handler{
>     ....
>     my $s = session->new();
>     $s->continue();
>     my $flag = $s->get('flag');
>     if($flag){
>         # do something else
>     }
>     else{
>         # run insert for new signup
>     }
>     ....
> }

There should be a word for this...
2 minutes after I finished sending my post, I realized exactly this thing.
Since I'm already accessing the DB w/ Apache::Session, I get miscellaneous
flags thrown in for free... since the rest of the signup scripts only uses
the hash keys in %session that it knows about.

So, after a successful signup (read, creation of the new account record in
the database), I simply stash the new acctid into %session:
$session{id} = $id;

Now here's the fun part.
While writing this script originally, I put in a debug statement like so:

# bypass SQL activity
goto TEMPLATE if $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} eq $my_ip and $session{email} ne

So the next time a signup comes in, I can check for the existence of
$session{id}.  If it exists... well, read the updated code:

goto TEMPLATE if exists $session{id} or $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} eq $my_ip and
$session{email} ne $my_email;

Since the template gets the rest of its values straight from %session
anyway, the only other change I had to make was s/$id/$session{id}/.

Problem solved!

Now, of course, I have to provide for the previous behavior whereby a person
could validly sign up multiple accounts if they were pointing to different
urls, but hey!  I've nailed the PROBLEM.  Now I just have to adjust the
behaviors slightly.


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