JH> Yes I also have PHP4 installed and running properly (and am able
JH> to connect to the MySQL server fine with PHP).

Good, that establishes that your DB is working.

JH> Removed PHP from Apache, that didn't help.
JH> Nothing else is connecting to the MySQL server.

I've never used a non-*NIX Apache. Do you need to restart you machine to get
something(s) out of memory? Compile a new binary (I doubt it)?

JH> Interestingly, the MySQL server error log contains nothing.  No failed
JH> access attempts, no other error codes.  I presume this is significant?

My thought would be that this indicates a driver problem. I would suggest
creating a terribly minimized configuration that only includes the requisits
and mod_perl stuff. Then see if that works.

Rodney Broom

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