I'm having a recurring problem that I can't find comment about in the docs, and
I was wondering if anyone might have some insight on this.

I have a web site where *everything* is mod_perl handlers. The problem that I'm
seeing is that I will go to the url http://hostname/foo and I get the content
from http://hostname/bar

This is naturally very distressing me me as the developer, and very confusing
for the user. I suppose it's very likely a problem with my code, rather than
with mod_perl, but if anyone has seen this before and can suggest where I
should be looking.

This seems to be happening when there is a server error of some variety, and
from then on, until a server restart, users are just getting whatever the last
thing was that that Apache child served. I have not been able to completely
verify this, but I am consistently getting the same (wrong) content from a
particular child, so apparently the particular child just keeps giving me
whatever it served the last time.

The Creative Group Web Application Group
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