Wait a second, here... I was under the assumption that the Widget library
was not going to be limited to HTML output only.  According to your page, it
seems that the only customization that you plan on doing is to modify the
HTML to work properly with specific browsers (eg, MSIE vs Mozilla/Netscape).

I think it's an important idea to leave the Widget totally language
independant  - so thast in addition to HTML, you could render these widgets
on cell phones (WML) or Palm Pilots or whatever...

Hell, you _should_ theoretically be able to render these using Win32 API if
someone decided to write code to export to C/C++ or VB - or Ximian/GNOME -
or whatever!


Internet is a wonderful mechanism for making a fool of
yourself in front of a very large audience.

Moving the mouse won't get you into trouble...  Clicking it might.

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