> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Lembark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 1:27 PM
> To: Geoffrey Young
> Subject: Re: Trying to find correct format for PerlSetVar's -- or get
> Apache::AuthNetLDAP working.
> > [snip]
> > >    168              PerlSetVar  =>
> > >    169              {
> > >    170                  BindDN      => 'employeenumber=123456
> > > ou=people
> > > o=foo.bar',
> > >    171                  BindPWD     => 'password',
> > >    172                  BaseDN      => 'ou=people o=foo.bar',
> > >    173                  LDAPServer  => 'ldap.alltel.com',
> > >    174                  LDAPPort    => '389',
> > >    175                  UIDAttr     => 'sn',
> > >    176              },
> > [snip]
> > >
> > > is there any better doc for this than the eagle book?
> > 
> > ah, but the answer you seek can be found within... p417
> I don't see an example on p 417 with an entry for PerlSetVar.
> The array-of-arrays format was my initial guess, and it
> didn't seem to work, after which I tried the array of hashes.

oh, I see - setting multiple values within a %Location.  there's no example
of that.  sorry :)

Tie::DxHash out to help.  If you can't get that to work, if your config
allows for it, you could always move the PerlSetVar stuff outside of the
%Location section...


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