
I have intermittent segmentation faults with Apache 1.3.14, mod_perl
version 1.24. I think I tracked the problem down to the Frontier::RPC2
module, which uses XML::Parser. I've seen a few postings in the archives
about problems with mod_perl and certain versions of XML::Parser, so
that's my best guess.

Some people suggested to upgrade to the newest version of XML::Parser,
but the newest version is 2.30 (on CPAN), and from what I have read,
this version seems to make even more problems than the older ones.

The Guide says mod_perl versions starting from 1.23 have 
--disable-rule=EXPAT set by default, but I did not compile it myself
(I just used the default installation from the SuSE 7.1 distribution),
so I can't be sure.

I'm realtively new to Linux, so I did not try to recompile everything
from the latest releases - I might break more than I fixed, and I don't
have any Apache/mod_perl wizards near me (except for this list).

What's the next step to try?
Any hints will be greatly appreciated.

cheers && thanks,

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