Dear all!


I have 2 servers:


1.       w2k server

2.       w2k professional


with _same_ hardware and same Apache httpd.conf files.


I use mod_perl.


When I use followed script on SERVER – it works with ANY files

When I use it on PROF – perl stops without any error when size of “17.shtml” > 13Kb.


When I start code from command line it works perfectly on the both computers.


Any ideas?





sub template {


    my ($filename, $fillings) = @_;

    my $text;


    local $/;                  

    local *F;                  

    open(F, "< $filename") || return;

    $text = <F>;               


    $text =~ s{ %%(.*?)%% } { exists( $fillings->{$1} ) ? $fillings->{$1} : "" }gsex;


    return $text;


    open TEST, "c:/gateway/rus/17.shtml";

    while (<TEST>)


        $html .= $_;


    close TEST;


    $todo{'MAIN'}  = $html;

    print template("c:/gateway/us.shtml", \%todo );







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