will trillich wrote:
>         HTML::Mason
>         Template-Toolkit

<tuppence type='mine'>

These are only two I have much experience with.  I've found both to be
well written, stable and well supported.  TT makes it easier to separate
the logic from the presentation layer IMHO. But every time I code a
project in mason I find myself smiling and thinking 'This is fun', at
least occasionally.  Projects seem to come together _much_ faster with
Mason, though overall coding time isn't much different. With Mason you
have to work harder if you want to separate logic & presentation, but
its fairly straightfoward if you put some thought into your component
design ahead of time.

So typically, if I need skinability, or if I need to give edit
capability to html'ers with no perl but light scripting ability I use
TT, otherwise I use Mason.



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