(Note: I am developing and maintaining this module using my personal resources
and address of [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am only posting this message using my
redhat.com account due to the fact that this is the address from which I am
subscribed to this list.)

My apologies in advance to anyone who receives this message more than once.
Please check the headers if you reply to this message.

I have uploaded the first full release of my XML-RPC package for Perl:

> The uploaded file
>     RPC-XML-0.25.tar.gz
> has entered CPAN as
>   file: $CPAN/authors/id/R/RJ/RJRAY/RPC-XML-0.25.tar.gz
>   size: 51468 bytes
>    md5: 5e7339487026b48b922aa35920e52e04
> No action is required on your part
> Request entered by: RJRAY (Randy J Ray)
> Request entered on: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 06:30:35 GMT
> Request completed:  Wed, 13 Jun 2001 06:30:47 GMT
>       Virtually Yours,
>       Id: paused,v 1.74 2001/05/20 14:59:52 k Exp k 

This package contains an implementation of the XML-RPC standard as defined at
the XML-RPC homepage (http://www.xmlrpc.com/spec). The module includes a client
class, a basic server class (that uses your choice of HTTP::Daemon or
Net::Server as a transport layer) and a subclass of the basic server that hooks
in as a mod_perl content handler. The mod_perl handler is not just a simple
wrapper around the base object, but a fully-integrated location-handler that
manages configuration information and allows for different locations to have
their own server objects, or to share existing ones.

This package is being initially released at version 0.25 (there were
intermediate versions that were announced only to smaller groups for
evaluation). The development plan is to work out interface and functionality
issues up until a version 0.50, which will represent the first beta release and
a freeze on features and functionality.

All modules have documentation with them. The documentation may be rough or
even outright thin in places, but it should be a reasonable starting point. Any
additional questions may be sent to me directly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Thank you.

Randy J. Ray     | Buy a copy of a baby naming book and you'll never be at a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | loss for variable names. Fred is a wonderful name, and easy
+1 408 543-9482  | to type. --Roedy Green, "How To Write Unmaintainable Code"

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